Prometheus: The Social Currency Network

Features for Sellers

Sellers may create listings in the market place that represent products of labor they are selling. They will have the ability to organize their product by category. They may customize the layout of their listings to better reflect their marketing and branding. An API will be exposed to them so that they may include relevant data that the network is aware of and they have permission to access. This can be used to associate things like similar listing and offerings, reviews of prior transactions, and recently viewed items.

Sellers must justify the value of their goods in their listing and must use the time it to create the product as a base cost. The general calculation will be outlined to buyers <time to create in sparks> + <modifying factors>. Modifying factors may be adhoc definitions of factors that have contributed to the cost of goods. They may be positive or negative values. Examples of this are expertise, scarcity/availability, or generally undesirable or dangerous effort to produce. This gives buyers transparency into the issue involved in its creation. Sellers may also choose to break down the base time cost to produce and tie other products of labor as its components.

Listings must specify whether or not they are open to negotiations. If open to negotiations sellers maybe be engaged in negotiations at the buyer's request to determine the value of goods. The end result will supersede the list price in the fulfillment of the transactions. A listing must also specify if the transaction can be made private. If so no one in the network will have a display of the parties involved by their PII. Once transactions are complete they contribute to statistics on that product of labor.