Prometheus: The Social Currency Network

Funds: Cooperative Economics

Funds are groups of members that have organized around producing a product of labor that requires more than one member to create. These are organized into categories and may be combinations of the set.

Finite Funds

Finite funds are members that have organized around producing a product of labor that requires more than one man(or woman) to create. They have finite duration and finite scope of members deriving benefits from them but maybe repeating over a finite duration of time. These would be things like “repainting the school hallways”, “create lawn mowing robot”, or “cooking for local block party” and anything else a small group of people would need to organize around to accomplish

Infinite Funds

Infinite funds are members that have organized around producing a product of labor over an indefinite period of time. They have indefinite duration and finite scope of members deriving benefits from them. Examples of this would be “condo garbage pickup” or “power plant operations”.

Communal Funds

Communal funds are members that have organized around producing a product of labor over a definite or indefinite amount of time for an indefinite amount of members. Examples of this are “groceries”, “electronics”, “pharmaceuticals”. These are products that may be accessed by members regardless of their geographic location.

Quest Reward Funds

Quest Reward funds are members that have organized around a proposal for a product of labor that does not exist. These members will exchange their currency for the creation of this product of labor.

Quest Funds

Quest funds are members that have organized around a proposal to produce a product of labor that does not exist as requested by a quest-giver. These members will share the rewards of the underlying quest-giver for the creation of this product of labor. Funds are also defined relative to their influence ranges.

Funds are created and administered by fund managers. Fund managers are directly liable for the actions of the fund. Each member of a fund that joins must negotiate the terms of their responsibilities and rewards dissemination to which they are liable.