Prometheus: The Social Currency Network

Spheres of Influence: Geolocation

Geolocation is an essential part of many features of the network. Geolocation is divided into spheres of influence. Spheres of influence are categorizations of a member’s relationship to other members on the network by geographic location. These are categorize as follows

  1. Tribal (within a 2 mile radius)
  2. Local (within a 10 mile radius)
  3. Regional ( within a 100 mile radius)
  4. Timezone
  5. Continental
  6. Hemispherical
  7. Globally

Tribal participants in a members sphere of radiance are the people in a member’s neighborhood. These people are typically those most affected by a members actions. These are typically people who share utilities, living spaces, and resources with a member.

Local participants are the people who live in the community in a ten mile radius. This could be fellow citizens of the same town, city or county. These are people who are usually affected by the same laws, weather conditions, lifestyle concerns, and natural resources.

Regionally are those occupying the same area of the world within a 100 mile radius.

Timezone, Continental, Hemispherical and, Global are all self descriptive.

These categories serve to organize the feature sets of the network. For privacy setting it determines the visibility of content to outside users based on their sphere of influence relative to the content creator. For the ledger it determines when your full credit is available based upon your timezone. For the questing and fund module your funds and quests are sorted relative to their location and the viewing user.